2nd Place
Two of a Kind

Barry Webb | Mature Comatricha


Name: Barry Webb
Picture title: Mature Comatricha
Occupation: Gardener / Photographer

‘These tiny (2mm tall) slime moulds were found on a dead apple branch, from a log pile in my back garden in Buckinghamshire. The spores have dispersed, leaving the delicate, thread-like capillitium. I carefully lifted the branch onto a garden bench and arranged some moss behind it to create a pleasing, natural background. The picture was taken in natural light and is the result of 56-shot focus stack.’

Technical information:
Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mk II
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro (with extension tubes and Raynox 250)
ISO 200
Accessories: Gitzo Explorer tripod and cable release
Post processing: Stacked in Zerene Stacker, basic adjustments in Lightroom and Photoshop, sharpened in Topaz

Website: barrywebbimages.co.uk
Instagram: barrywebbimages