Welcome to The Top 100 winners gallery of Close-up Photographer of the Year 6 (2024), in association with Affinity Photo. These pictures were selected by our jury of 25 experts from over 11,000 pictures sent in from 61 countries. All the pictures here have had their Raw or original files checked.



Close-up Photographer of the Year 6
Overall winner & Insects winner


Svetlana Ivanenko | Clash of the Titans



2nd place | Insects

Imre Potyó | Mayfly Arena

3rd place | Insects

Avilash Ghosh | My Own Galaxy



Finalists | Insects






Santiago J. Monroy García | God in the Shadows



2nd place

Imre Potyó | Moonlight

3rd place

Csaba Daróczi | Pine Marten Portrait


Finalists | Animals


Butterflies & Dragonflies



Yong Miao | Damselfly by the Waterfall


2nd Place

Ferenc Kocsis | Sphere

3rd Place

Imre Potyó | December Moth


Finalists | Butterflies & Dragonflies





Pierluigi Rizzo | Queen of Hearts



2nd place

Avilash Ghosh | Fire Stream Scorpio

3rd place

Artur Tomaszek | Crazy in Love


Finalists | Arachnids



Invertebrate Portrait



A Caerostris spider rests on a stick  in the Malaysian jungle

Aran Gibbs | Bark is Worse than its Bite



2nd place

José Manuel Lois Rial | Stauropus Fagi

3rd place

Manfred Auer | Lynx Spider



Finalists | Invertebrate Portrait





A doctorfish struggles in the jaws  of a lizardfish in Kona, Hawaii

Gabriel Jensen | Everything's A-OK


2nd place

A leafy seadragon (Phycodurus eques) swims with a school of rough bullseye fish (Pempheris klunzingeri) in Rapid Bay, South Australia

Jenny Stock | Search for the Dragon

3rd place

A reef goby guards its eggs on a blue tunicate in the Lembeh Strait, Indonesia

Saeed Rashid | A Caring Mother



Finalists | Underwater


Intimate Landscape



The etched tunnels of bark beetle larvae (Ips typographus) beneath the bark of a spruce tree in the French Alps

Jean-Philippe Delobelle | A Network of Life and Death


2nd Place

ead Jack Pine branches cross-cross vibrant huckleberry plants  in Nova Scotia, Canada

Andrew Mielzynski | Fall Matrix

3rd Place

A white fir tree surrounded by three giant sequoias in Sequoia National Park, California, USA

Sigfrido Zimmermann | Among Giants


Finalists | Intimate Landscape


Fungi & Slime Moulds




Barry Webb | Ear-Pick Fungus



2nd place

Puffball mushrooms release spores in a chestnut forest in Covas, Spain

José Luis Gigirey González | Autumn Storm of Spores

3rd place

A mushroom covered in sand on Holywell Bay Beach, Cornwall, UK

Jamie Spensley | Sandy Mushroom



Finalists | Fungi & Slime Moulds






Garden moss covered in dew drops in Sneek, Netherlands

Piet Haaksma | Mosses



2nd place

Autumn lady’s-tresses (Spiranthes spiralis) in the early October sun  of Toulouse, France

Sébastien Blomme | Tournicoti

3rd place

A giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) frond  in the water of Channel Islands National Park, California

Sigfrido Zimmermann | Flowing Kelp



Finalists | Plants



Studio Art



Rob Blanken | Artificial Landscape



2nd place

Oil drops on water

Matt Vacca | Drift 5

3rd place

Paul Kenny | Copper Works No. 13 – 2024



Finalists | Studio Art



(Under 18s)


Young Close-up Photographer of the Year 6

A European Bee-eater in mid-flight  with an insect in its beak

Andrés Luis Dominguez Blanco | Spring
(14 years old)



2nd place

A robber fly (Asilidae sp.) feeds on a flesh fly (Sarcophagidae sp.) in Brandenburg, Germany

Alexis Tinker-Tsavalas | Afternoon Snack
(17 years old)

3rd place

A Globular springtail (Dicyrtomina ornata) infected by the entomopathogenic fungus Pandora batallata  in Berlin, Germany

Alexis Tinker-Tsavalas | Pandora
(17 years old)



Finalists | Young