Plants & Fungi

Jacky Parker | White Windflower - Anemone Blanda



Name: Jacky Parker
Picture title: White Windflower - Anemone Blanda
Category: Plants & Fungi
Occupation: Photographer

Jacky says:
‘I absolutely love these little spring Anemones which pop up in the garden. Using a clamp I positioned the flower so that it was backlit in the spring sunshine. I love to use my ‘floaty petal’ technique on Windflowers to give the impression of movement. Using two exposures in Photoshop I adjusted the opacity and added a layer mask to paint away the centre of the flower.’

Technical information:
Nikon D750
Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 
ISO 200
Accessories: Manfrotto Tripod
Post processing: Edited in Camera Raw and moved to Photoshop to add my “Floaty Petals” techniques using two exposures.

Instagram:  jackyparkerphotography
Twitter: jackylparker
Facebook: Jacky Parker Flower Photography