
Svetlana Ivanenko | Running on Water



Name: Svetlana Ivanenko
Picture title: Running on Water
Category: Animals
Occupation: Photographer

Svetlana says:
‘Raft spiders (Dolomedes fimbriatus) can be found in bogs and pools, but they also inhabit the water margins of ditches, ponds and slow-moving streams. To catch prey – usually in the form of invertebrates trapped on the surface – they “walk” on water with their appendages outstretched, sensing vibrations that will help them to detect potential victims. I found this lovely specimen on the surface of a marshy pool in Plesheevo Lake National Park, Yaroslavl region, Russia. I really wanted to show the creature in its natural surroundings.’

Technical information:
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Canon EF 100 mm F2.8 L
ISO 800
Accessories: None
Post processing: Basic adjustments in Photoshop

Instagram: svetlana_ivanenko70